ISLAM: Understanding Our Religious World
Thomas Robinson, Ph.D.
An introduction to Islam. Ideal for part of a world religions or western religions course or a basic introductory course on Islam.
Available as a standalone chapter or as part of the WESTERN RELIGIONS eBOOK (see below).
Images and Photos: 46 • Maps: 5 • Charts:13 • Audio: 19
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-3-6
BUDDHISM: Understanding Our Religious World
Hillary Rodrigues, Ph.D.
An introduction to Buddhism. Ideal for part of a world religions or eastern religions course or a basic introductory course on Buddhism.
Available as a standalone chapter or as part of the EASTERN RELIGIONS eBOOK (see below).
Images and Photos: 55 • Maps: 5 • Charts:10 • Audio: 19
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-4-3
PLATFORMS: These digital books are in ePUB format and work smoothly on Macs, PCs, and Android devices. (see details). All platforms display identical pages, making it easy for instructors to refer to specific pages.
VISUALLY RICH: photos, charts, maps, diagrams.
COLOR CODED: Each chapter has a distinctive color for headings, charts, and diagrams to aid memory.
SOLID CONTENT: Each chapter is divided in four sections: History, Beliefs, Practice, and Structure.
PRIMARY TEXTS: Each chapter includes an appendix of about 30 pages of primary texts. Each primary passage has an introduction and footnotes to assist the student.
AUDIO FILES: Audio files of technical terms and audio files of prominent aspects of a religion are embedded into the eBOOKs (e.g., Islam: call to prayer; Hinduism: chanting of the Vedas).
LOW COST AND FLEXIBLE SELECTION: Each chapter can be purchased as an individual eBook, allowing the instructor to choose which chapters are to be covered and having students only purchase these. We also offer Western Religions and Eastern Religions eBOOKs (with relevant chapters combined into a single volume). Standalone READERS are also available.

POWERPOINT® AND KEYNOTE SLIDES: Each tradition comes with a rich collection of PowerPoint® and Keynote® slides (many of them animated) to assist the instructor in the development of lectures.
*VIDEOS: Short videos of key materials are being developed to supplement a student's learning. These may also be used in the classroom setting.
* under development

HINDUISM: Understanding Our Religious World
Hillary Rodrigues, Ph.D.
An introduction to Hinduism. Ideal for part of a world religions or eastern religions course or a basic introductory course on Hinduism.
Available as a standalone chapter or as part of the EASTERN RELIGIONS eBOOK (see below).
Images and Photos: 69 • Maps: 7 • Charts 13 • Audio: 20
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-1-2
EAST ASIAN RELIGIONS: Understanding Our Religious World
Hillary Rodrigues, Ph.D.
An introduction to the religious traditions of East Asia (Confucianism, Daoism, Shinto). Ideal for part of a world religions or eastern religions course or a basic introductory course on East Asian Religions.
Available as a standalone chapter or as part of the EASTERN RELIGIONS eBOOK (see below).
Images and Photos: 65 • Maps: 4 • Charts:8 • Audio: 20
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-5-0

EASTERN RELIGIONS: Understanding Our Religious World
Hillary Rodrigues, Ph.D.
An introduction to Eastern Religions. This eBOOK contains the three chapters above: Hinduism, Buddhism, and East Asian Religions, combined into one volume.
Images and Photos: 189 • Maps: 16 • Charts: 31 • Audio: 59
Price: $19.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-7-4

EASTERN RELIGIONS READER: Selected Texts, Sounds & Symbols (ISBN: 978-1-7772430-8-1)
Hillary Rodrigues, Ph.D., ed.
Chapters on Hinduism, Buddhism, and East Asian Religions (Confucianism, Daoism, and Shintoism). This content of this book is included in the World Religions Reader (above). With 57 text selections • 13 photos • 7 Quick Facts charts • 4 audio files • 15 symbols
Price: $5.00 (Canadian dollars)
JUDAISM: Understanding Our Religious World
Thomas Robinson, Ph.D.
An introduction to Judaism. Ideal for part of a world religions or western religions course or a basic introductory course on Judaism.
Available as a standalone chapter or as part of the WESTERN RELIGIONS eBOOK (see below).
Images and Photos: 62 • Maps: 3 • Charts:13 • Audio: 19
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-2-9
CHRISTIANITY: Understanding Our Religious World
Thomas Robinson, Ph.D.
An introduction to Christianity. Ideal for part of a world religions or western religions course or a basic introductory course on Christianity.
Available as a standalone chapter or as part of the WESTERN RELIGIONS eBOOK (see below).
Images and Photos: 43 • Maps: 7 • Charts:13 • Audio: 23
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-0-5

WESTERN RELIGIONS READER: Selected Texts, Sounds & Symbols (ISBN: 978-1-7774639-0-8)
Understanding Our Religious World
Thomas Robinson, Ph.D., ed.
Chapters on Ancient Religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
This content of this book is included in the World Religions Reader (above). With 46 text selections • 4 photos • 3 Quick Facts charts • 3 audio files • 20 symbols
Price: $5.00 (Canadian dollars)

WESTERN RELIGIONS: Understanding Our Religious World
Thomas Robinson, Ph.D.
An introduction to Western Religions. This eBOOK contains the three chapters above: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, combined into one volume.
Images and Photos: 151 • Maps: 15 • Charts: 39 • Audio: 57
Price: $19.99 (Canadian dollars)
ISBN: 978-1-7772430-9-8
WORLD RELIGIONS READER: Selected Texts, Sounds & Symbols (ISBN: 978-1-7774639-1-5)
Thomas Robinson and Hillary Rodrigues, ed.
This eBOOK combines the Eastern Religions Reader and Western Religions reader (described below) into a single volume. With 125 text selections • 22 photos • 10 Quick Facts charts • 7 audio files • 33 symbols.
Price: $9.99 (Canadian dollars)
Eastern Religions Texts
Western Religions Texts
Religion Readers
Important Note: If you have adopted any of the texts above, do not add the Readers below to your course texts list. The texts above already contain the relevant Reader selections in an appendix. Order the Readers below only if you are not using our texts as your course textbook.
(1) To create a text illustrated with a wealth of relevant images, charts, and maps that would entice students to read the text.
(2) To provide elements to provoke a curiosity about each religion that will lead the student to continue to examine the religion in a critically informed way beyond the text and the classroom.
…introducing our new digital World Religions texts
(3) To include various elements that assist in easy recall of features of the tradition long after the student has completed the course.
(4) To develop supplementary materials for both the student and the instructor that will engage the student both inside and outside the classroom.
Four principal goals have shaped this project.
Need to be convinced about these texts?
Check out 21 images of pages from our texts
Instructors: Request an examination copy of our digital texts.
[And whether our texts suit your classroom needs or not,
please make use of our various FREE high-quality resources.]
Coming in 2022
chapters on Jainism and Sikhism